If you are interested in our work and would like to support us you can…

         form a team of researchers or work with an existing team that investigates the lives of victims of the Nazi regime in Kassel; thus providing information for more Stolpersteine.


         provide information regarding the fates of citizens of Kassel who were persecuted and killed by Nazis.                        


         (part-)finance a stone - the cost being 120€ per stone  -  and become a sponsor.


         donate to support "Stolpersteine in Kassel e.V." financially.


         become a member of “Verein Stolpersteine in Kassel e.V." 


         see to the upkeep of stones in your neighbourhood (for an overview of locations see “Map under "Stolpersteine in Kassel”).


         attend Stolperstein-layings or actively participate in the programme (eg. as a musician or speaker).


translated by Helen Neyer



Die Ziele des Vereins

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